This is Fifth Industrial, a blog scouting emerging environmental biotechnologies and strategies for a regenerative economy and lifestyle. See the posts on the most impactful bioproducts, plant cell culture, cellular agriculture, mycelium materialssynthetic silkmicrobiomicsdeep space food, alt cheese, alt protein CPG, biophilia, agricultural innovation engines, longevity, and egg sexing.

My name is Nate Crosser and I’m optimistic that biotechnology can help humanity solve some of the crises we created through our destructive political, social, and economic models. Some call this “bright green environmentalism” or “Solarpunk.” I hail from Kansas City and this blog is based on my experience in venture capital, alternative proteins, market analysis, animal advocacy, law, biotech company incubation, and home gardening.

Some come geek out with me about how we might save the world with innovation at the intersection of biology, technology, and culture.

I spend a lot of time mapping emerging scientific breakthroughs, startups, industry trends, investors, influencers, research centers, ecosystem builders, news sources, and resources most relevant to the “Fifth Industrial Revolution” — a wave of interrelated applied biology that will transform the world as much as the Internet or engines.

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Emerging biotechnologies and concepts for an ecological revolution. To enable a multi-planetary, post-animal, and decarbonized bioeconomy, we need industrial ecology, bioethics, and inclusive creativity.


The Fifth Industrial Revolution is innovation in cellular agriculture, mycology, alt proteins, & synbio to solve existential & ethical crises on Earth & beyond.